Sales tracking


The Sales tracking API works by embedding different tracking 1x1 pixel images (Targets) on your website at different strategic places.

Points where these targets would make sense is often at the end of a given transaction. That could be:

  • After a completed signup (e.g. to an event or competition)
  • After a completed sale

The targets can be configured through the Ubivox system by going to Statistics then Targets in the top menu.

Adding sales numbers

If you are tracking sales, you might want to track the amounts in order to track the total sales or turnover generated by your newsletters.

Sales numbers can be added to the newsletters statistics by extending the normal image URL with these query string (GET) parameters:

Parameter Description Example
st_revenue The revenue from the transaction st_revenue=49.95
st_quantity Items in the transaction st_quantity=2
st_currency Currency of the transaction st_currency=USD
st_reference Transaction reference (unique) st_reference=12345678


Parameter notes

  • At least one of st_revenue or st_quantity is required if utilizing query string parameters to track sales.
  • Use period as decimal separator and do not use thousands separators. Decimals are optional. Valid examples: 5, 49.95, 14999.95.
  • Maximum trackable revenue amount is: 99999999.99.
  • The st_reference parameter is built to identify specific transactions or registrations hitting the target. The reference has to be unique (e.g. an order number); if Ubivox registers multiple target hits with the same reference, only the first hit will be registered. The reference may be both numerical or text but has to be unique. (Maximum length: 100 characters)

A full example could look like this:

<img src="<target_id>/?st_revenue=49.95&st_quantity=2&st_currency=USD&st_reference=12345678" height="1" width="1">

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